Depending on his dad’s mood, Albert’s life would go from safe and good to terrifying and horrible. His dad physically and emotionally abused Albert, telling him he was worthless and would never amount to anything. His dad beat Albert with a metal studded belt.
Albert found solace in the family’s liquor cabinet. By age 11, Albert was smoking pot. At 14, he was cutting and burning himself. At 16, he was on meth. One day Albert’s mom walked into his room and caught him cutting himself. She counted 250 cuts!
For the next twenty years, Albert was a full blown alcoholic and drug addict. He had 3 children with three separate women. Each one left because they couldn’t take his constant “partying”. Albert lost everything and was homeless.
He suffered with bladder and kidney cancer. He had 4 strokes and was told by a doctor that his arteries were so clogged, he should have been dead 4 years ago. He had already tried suicide 3 times and with that latest news from the doctor, Albert decided to drink himself to death.
He was sleeping in an alley and had no one to help him, when a stranger found him and brought him to the Cookeville Rescue Mission. “I wasn’t satanic, but after a lifetime of not believing in God, things changed. I cannot stress enough how much the staff and volunteers at the Mission have helped me to get my life together,” Albert says.
“Besides the spiritual teaching and growth, they’ve given me food and shelter as well as a safe living environment. They have also helped me get all my forms of identification back and my social security benefits. And now we’re working on more permanent living arrangements!” Albert adds, “I love being here, and I love these guys like family. God bless the Mission for helping me change my life!”
Thank you God and thank you Albert for sharing your story. Donors, your support helps make life change happen at the Cookeville Rescue Mission. If you would like to read more about Albert or others who are making changes here at the Mission, call us and request a copy of our latest newsletter: 931-528-5819.